I am completely useless this week.

Multiple times over the last few days I have tried to blog and failed. Am severely lacking in focus.

I have that disease where I can’t read, too. I have been carrying The Book Thief from room to room with me, putting it down on various surfaces. It’s sitting on the printer right now. I want to read it, but I can’t seem to get myself to just sit down and actually read.

I have successfully made tea. Several times. I have pseudo-successfully started working on a redesign for the blog that will hopefully be implemented over the weekend.

I got a string of little paper lantern lights that are now strung merrily over the iMac, making writing central a great deal more festive. If I remember to dig out my tripod later I will post a photo.

I had an idea for an art piece and then was thwarted by the fact that despite having seven decks of playing cards, only two of them have jokers and they’re not the joker that I need.

I think mostly I am biding my time (with relative degrees of success) until I can check back into the Revisionland Hotel. I’m planning on starting my additional changes next week, because I already have a list of things I know need changing and the rest of my beta feedback should be coming in relatively soon. I’m kind of looking forward to it, which is weird because I really thought I was suffering from revision fatigue, and now having taken a couple weeks off from it I really just want to crawl back into it.

And now I have ignored this post without posting it for about an hour. Yeah.

Categories: miscellany