I keep meaning to post proper links to my Night Circus playlist & I keep forgetting, so this time I shall not forget and even give them their own post.
The playlist is up on Spotify, here.
It is also up on 8tracks, which gave me a nifty little code for embedding:
You can also read explanations of all these songs over here via largehearted boy’s Book Notes.
Mandy · November 5, 2011 at 8:45 pm
This play list is really awesome ๐ I’m listening to it while I work out some plot issues for my Nano novel.
Iain Harris · November 6, 2011 at 6:40 am
Dear Erin,
(hmm thats a bit formal, but we haven’t met so I guess its a bit less formal than Ms. Morgenstern..!)
Thanks for the small dog with lots of spirit and energy. He peed on the carpet when he first entered the realm of NaNo. A bit over excited I guess. To be honest whilst I had always thought being known as a “writer” would be cool, I realised very early on that its a bit like wanting to be a “rock star”….! The one thing I was told was this. “Are you a writer?” “Yes?” “Ok good. So what do writers do then?” “Well…they write?” “Well done. That’s what writers do – they write!” So I suspect that what they were trying to tell me is that anyone can call themselves a writer, but “by their fruits you will know them” comes to mind.
I find myself battering the keyboard mercilessly over the last couple of days and then stopped for a while as it was “Guy Fawkes” last night and we had a massive bonfire with fireworks. That and some domestic chores and a good walk had halted my creative output for a bit. I had been able to lock the Demon Self Editor and its small cousin The Plot Monster in their boxes for a bit so there was some time for relaxation. I now find myself staring at the screen again, picking up the thread from the last couple of paragraphs and poised to pounce on the struggling novel like a pouncy thing pounces on small things.
I have a reading list that is as long as the legs of an octopus and just as elusive and wiggly. Finished the first book of the last trio of “Thomas Covenant” books, started to read the “Game of Thrones” and just last week finished “Captain Corelli’s Mandolin” for the second time. My wife, Colette, has joined a local book club at our one and only coffee house in the town. “The Boy with Sripped Pyjamas” broke my heart and now she wants me to read this “One Day” book. I had been avoiding “gurly” writing as I am a tough and macho non-crying bearded individual who still balks at the “smoochy” bits in movies – “Oh cut it out and go kill some aliens/catch criminals/drive a race car, will ya!” is the sort of thing that flys through my mind.
Whilst I find the auto-correct in Microsoft on occassions “hepful”, it does tend to play havock with the way I want my characters to speak and also with some more “local speach” so I find myself hitting the “Ignore” button more often than my old English teacher would have liked Im sure.
Anyways, enough babble from me and a big thanks to you for the “Pep” talk – keep ’em coming!
With gratitude and thanks,
Iain Harris
Danielle · December 29, 2011 at 2:39 pm
I’ve just started reading the Night Circus after I picked it up because the cover caught my eye. Only 20 pages in and I had a feeling the book found me for a reason at the right time. After stumbling upon your blog and seeing your playlist with 2 of my favorite artists ever and 2 of my favorite songs of theirs, I know I’m on the right track. (Tori & Radiohead)
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