signed books now available

I have been trying to figure out a good system for ordering signed, personalized books for years and I finally have one, I am so very grateful to everyone who helped make this happen.

Signed and personalized copies of The Night Circus (in both paperback & hardcover) as well as signed and personalized pre-orders for The Starless Sea are now available from The Odyssey Bookshop in South Hadley, Massachusetts. They will ship internationally.

More information is available over here on their website.

now we are forty-one

Today I am forty-one which makes the blog/website eleven years old. I would like to apologize to the blog for neglecting it so much in recent years and missing its tenth birthday last year because we were away for my birthday.

(Next year I will remember, when the blog gets to be twelve and I get to be the meaning of life, the universe and everything.)

Forty was momentous. I finished the new book, finally. People started reading it and seem to like it so far. It already has two starred reviews and no one has made bad “starless” puns yet. I got a kitten and Vesper did, of course, help with the book writing.

I watched a kitten turn into a small cat with more personality than I thought could fit in such a compact fluffy package. I read wonderful books and played Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild incessantly. I became obsessed with this smitten kitchen salad and drank a lot of sparkling wine and a great deal of gin. Adam & I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary six days ago in the mountains and had the most perfect anniversary sunset.

Forty-one promises to be a wild and busy and exciting year. Next week I will be at San Diego ComicCon which is apparently a real thing and not just a fever dream I had that one time in 2011. In the autumn/winter when THE STARLESS SEA comes out I will be many places and signing many books, I will post tour details when I have them. I haven’t left my house this much in a long time, I am still remembering how to be a person in the world and not just a writer hermit.

There is an article about THE STARLESS SEA over on Publishers Weekly and it has the most delightful headline.

And now THE STARLESS SEA comes out in less than four months. In the meantime if you are looking for something to read I highly recommend my friend Chuck Wendig’s WANDERERS. It’s the most recent thing I blurbed and I don’t blurb for friends as a general rule but I made an exception because it’s truly extraordinary. Here’s my full quote: “WANDERERS is a true tour de force, a feat of storytelling strength that remains with you long after the final page is turned. Epic yet intimate, speculative while hovering at the edges of the now and so masterfully told that it feels as though you are walking alongside these characters every step of the way.”

the starless sea – us cover

Dusting off the blog to show off Doubleday‘s beautiful cover for the US edition of THE STARLESS SEA. Art by Dan Funderburgh, design by John Fontana.

Many more things to follow, more covers, more keys. Will post here & elsewhere when they’re shareable.

In the meantime I’ve added a page for THE STARLESS SEA over here where you can find pre-order information!

The snow has melted and the flowers are starting to tentatively appear outside. Lots of newness around here. I haven’t seen any bees yet but I know they’re coming.


This year felt like it was a million years long. This was the year I finally finished The Starless Sea, or very nearly finished since I’m about to hand in reviewed copyedits (note to publishers: January 2nd due dates are mean) and I’ll have one more final pass sometime after that and then it will be gone and grown-up and book-shaped and wrapped up pretty for November. Which is still a million years away if 2019 ends up anywhere near as long-feeling as 2018.

This year we had foxes who lived in our yard and I spent my 40th birthday in a decommissioned helicopter and did I mention that I finished the new book? Because I finished the new book and I’m still not quite certain I believe it.

And then there is the kitten. We’ve only had Vesper since September but she is the most wonderful kitten and she fits right in. (Though there was one week when she decided that the ceiling fan was terrifying so I took her into the guest room to get away from the scary fan and there was a flock of wild turkeys outside the window. She hid behind my legs for awhile. Poor thing.)

I normally do media review but truthfully this year was a blur of mostly writing so this is a short version.

My favorite books that I actually got around to were Susan Orlean’s The Library Book, Jane Mount’s Bibliophile and also Chuck Wendig’s Wanderers which will be out in July of 2019. Honorable mentions to The Ink House by Rory Dobner because it is a gorgeous delight and The Aviary Cocktail Book that my dear Kim Liggett gave me for the holidays which is a work of art.

I’m hoping I’ll have more time for the ever-expanding to-read pile next year, I feel like I’ve fallen behind on books and media and the world and so much more trying to finish writing this particular book in this particular time.

Adam gave me a Nintendo Switch and a kitten for my birthday so he clearly both knows and loves me deeply and also never wants me to get anything done ever again. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is just as amazing and wonderful as everyone said it was. I’m nearing the end but I still need to catch more fish to upgrade my stealth pants which is not a sentence I ever thought I would type. (After I properly finish the book I get to replay Dragon Age: Inquisition because that has been my book-finishing reward to self for literal years.)

I always do a song for the year but there wasn’t a single song for this year, there were a lot of songs and I’m looking forward to finalizing the Starless Sea official playlist but for this year I’ll leave you with the sounds that filled my office most of the time. It’s long, which seems appropriate.

Here we go, into 2019. It should be an adventure.

the starless sea

Hello website that has been languishing away and gathering dust, it’s been awhile. I even managed to miss the 10 year anniversary of the blog back in the summer but I was busy turning 40 and trying to finish writing this book.

It’s finished, by the way.

It’s called The Starless Sea.

It will be published in the US, UK & Canada on November 5th, 2019.

You can read more about it over here at Entertainment Weekly.

This has been a long, difficult process but I wanted to get it just right no matter how long it took. This book existed in bits and pieces for a long time and some of the pieces stayed and others changed or wandered away entirely and it refused to be book-shaped for a very long time and then one day it was. I’m still kind of surprised that it’s finally reached this point. Probably won’t be letting the blog get so terribly dusty for the next while and I will be heading out for book events and such in the future instead of just sitting at home and typing words and staring at them and then deleting those words and typing different words. I’ll post additional book information as I have it (like when it has a cover and such) both here and over on Instagram.

In other news, there is a kitten.

Her name is Vesper, after the cocktail because her mom’s name is Mint Julep and we figured it would be appropriate to give her a cocktail name. This is one of the photos I took on her first day at home when she refused to stay still very long. I wasn’t sure I wanted to have a cat again but Adam talked me into it and gave her to me for my birthday. She’s the most darling, slightly crazy purr monster. She’s on Instagram, too, because of course she is.

She has been very helpful while I’ve been finishing the book, she has chewed on printed pages and stood on my keyboard and stolen my pens.

I know next November seems very far away still but there are many book things still to do and I’m sure time will go faster than any of us expect. I’ve spent the last several years living in this book and it’s bittersweet and wonderful to be at the point of packing up my bags and sweeping the floors and dusting the bookshelves so you all can live in a Harbor on the Starless Sea for awhile, too.

The world is strange and hard right now. I wrote a different book than I might have if I’d started it at another time, but it’s the story it is supposed to be and I hope if at this time next year you choose to sail its seas you enjoy your time there.