Things I Am Thankful ForĀ in this, the last week of November in the year 2009
(an unnumbered list)
- Kittens.
- The husband, also known as the boy, also known as the bestest person I know.
- Chocolate.
- Lovely friends who live in my computer and listen to me babble about all manner of things via e-mail.
- (Particularly Kaari, for the aforementioned e-mailing, and Carey, for the wonderment that has been flax-golden.)
- New lovely people who live in my computer that I’ve virtually met this year and also, two of them make shiny things that you should buy: here & here.
- NaNoWriMo in general and Chris Baty in particular, for giving me a framework in which to push my creative writing boundaries. (72k & counting.)
- Azure Ray’s album Hold On Love, which is right music at right time right now.
- BPAL‘s Now Winter Nights Enlarge, which is my new favorite scent even though it’s not really winter yet.
- Punchdrunk & A.R.T.’s Sleep No More, which I get to see again next week.
- The Absolute Write forums, particularly Purgatory, for helping me keep my sanity in this year of literary agent search crazy.
- Mulled cider. Red Wine.
- Fingerless gloves.
- Everyone who reads this blog. Everyone. Seriously.
- Lip balm.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating. Happy everything to everyone else. Have something with cinnamon in it for me.