Trapped the wonderful land of editing and synopsizing, but I know where my towel is.

Since I am busy being a hoopy frood and trying to condense a non-linear narrative into a cohesive synopsis, here, watch Maru with the Big Box, because it is possibly the best thing ever:


Paul · May 25, 2009 at 3:53 pm

Somehow, I’ve never heard of Towel Day, so thank you! I have a fair idea of where my towel is. Ok, sometimes. Not such a hoopy frood, then. 🙂

I hope the editing is going well. And hee to Maru and the Big Box! Cats! I don’t think Muffin gets involved in as much exertion as that, these days. But he does love a good box.

erin · May 25, 2009 at 10:10 pm

As long as you can find a towel when needed, I think you’ll be good. You are certainly a hoopy frood!

Editing is going quite well, thank you! And Maru makes everything better.

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