I decided I needed business cards, but I didn’t particularly want to put “author” or “writer” or “kitten wrangler” on them.

After a lot of pondering and Etsy searching, I decided to go with something along the lines of a Victorian calling card. It seemed appropriate.

So I ordered these from GoGoSnap:

Name on front, website & e-mail on the back. Room to scrawl my phone number if needed. They are swirly gorgeousness & I love them.

Julie at GoGoSnap is brilliant & accommodating & I’m absolutely going back for all my quirky vintage-inspired correspondence needs.

In other news: I still feel odd not doing NaNoWriMo (I keep thinking I’m forgetting to do something) but I am buried in revisions. Revisionland is turning into my natural habitat.  Scrivener 2.0 is making Revisionland a much lovelier place at the moment, though. I may wax poetic on that at some point in the future.


Paul · November 5, 2010 at 6:05 pm

They’re beautiful, aren’t they?!

NaNo has been a fantastic thing for you, and maybe it’ll be something to do again, in the future, but I’m so thrilled for you, for what this particular visit to Revisionland is about. I hope it’s going well.

And yes, do tell us about Scrivener 2.0 sometime – I know how much you’ve loved using it in the past!

    erin · November 12, 2010 at 12:36 pm

    I’m thrilled with the cards, & I’ve already ordered note cards & thank yous as well. Just because.

    Revisions are still going well, yay. And I will be pontificating about the wonderment that is Scrivener 2.0 sometime soon.

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