better. mostly.

I am mostly better. I say this because I can actually get out of bed and I can speak normally in between coughing fits. I am also very tired most of the time.

I miss cocktails. And wine. And deep breaths.

I keep having to cancel restaurant reservations which makes me sad because when I was super sick I thought “2 weeks away! I’ll be better by then!” and now no, not so much. Well, better but better does not equal healthy.

I also haven’t been able to work all that well since my head is all cloudy, but somewhere in the super-delirious fever-y stage I figured out one of the things that’s been bothering me about the novel-in-progress. So that’s something. I’m not sure how to fix it yet, and I hadn’t really planned on basically losing two weeks of working on it, but it’s something.

So, I will be healing more and locking myself away in my writing cave. For the next few weeks the blog will likely be all photo posts all the time in between flax-goldens. Which will probably be more interesting than all the illness-related babbling.

so it turns out “ill” was an understatement

After my fever hit 104 on Friday, Adam made me go to the doctor and what I’d thought was a spring cold was the flu, and it went and morphed into bronchitis just for good measure.

I have pretty much been asleep since Saturday. Today I am eating homemade chicken soup which is a major accomplishment considering I could barely swallow water for awhile there.

Needless to say I am behind on life and it’s going to take me awhile to catch back up. If you are waiting on anything from me it’s going to be later than I would have liked but I’ll get to it eventually.

I haven’t been this sick in a really long time and I’d forgotten how miserable it is. Getting slowly better but I’m still one big tired cough.

I will be really, really glad to be properly healthy again.

ill. boo.

So I managed to go the whole winter without getting sick and now I’ve spent the last two days in bed.

I’m better today than yesterday or Monday but still coughing like it’s my job so I’m mostly all about tea and reading and watching comfort movies like Wreck-It Ralph.

And today was a good book mail day.

supernatural enhancements

The Supernatural Enhancements by Edgar Cantero. I’ve heard a bit about it and it sounds super intriguing and I am in love with this cover. Also it goes well with my mug and my floor. Advance copy, comes out properly in August according to the informative spine.

Now I am going to read. Or nap. Or drink more tea. Or some combination thereof.




tulips again


We bought tulips at the farmer’s market a few days ago and for awhile they stood up straight and now they are all woozy with springtime except for the one that’s still upright, staring at itself in the mirror.

Happy Spring Equinox, Happy Please Go Away Never-Ending Winter, Happy New Beginnings.

things i am vaguely obsessed with, february 2014

an unnumbered list of current miscellaneous obsessions

  • Ben & Jerry’s Liz Lemon Greek Frozen Yogurt. I love lemon flavored sweet things anyway and this might be my new favorite Ben & Jerry’s flavor, we tried it in Vermont and I’ve been hunting for it in NYC (found it today, yay!).
  • Snoods. I blame the weather and I was never big on the whole circle-scarf thing but I got a chunky knit snood/cowl before it started snowing and it is my new favorite thing. It is super cozy. Also I like the word snood. (Even though it is also a video game and a hair thing.)
  • Not True Detective overall but specifically Woody Harrelson’s hair on True Detective. In general I like it a lot but I’m not properly obsessed. I am overly fond of the hair department, though.
  • Leuchtturm1917 notebooks. I think this one is Joe Hill’s fault. I used to be a Moleskine girl but these ones won me over with page numbers.
  • Birdy. Kicking myself for not getting her mostly covers debut album sooner, and also annoyed that her newer album isn’t out in the states yet. At least I can watch pretty videos.