flax-golden tales: boo.



Ghosts are everywhere.

They dwell in cabinets and old shoes and shrubberies, waiting to sneak up on you when you least expect them.

They hide in the scent of crisp leaves on windy days. They curl around your feet and pull you back into autumns past with unanticipated force.

They do not wait for you to be prepared.

You might assume they are relegated to haunted places. Cemeteries and abandoned houses and foggy moonlit depths of night.

But ghosts are not afraid of the sun. They are everywhere, everytime.

And there is no avoiding them.

About flax-golden tales. Photo by Carey Farrell. Text by Erin Morgenstern.

sleep no more

Yesterday was wedding anniversary number three. Three years already! Doesn’t really seem like it. Did you know that the traditional third anniversary giftage is leather? Yeah, we weren’t about to pass that opportunity up. The boy got me these. His present is going to be slightly belated because I had to custom order it, but it is just as leather and possibly just as awesome.

We usually go apple picking on our anniversary, but the weather has been cold and rainy and not apple picking conducive, so we came up with alternate plans.

We went to see Sleep No More, a Hichcock-flavored version of Macbeth staged in an abandoned Brookline school. I am very thankful that I am still on the A.R.T. mailing list, I hadn’t heard of it until a postcard landed in my mailbox last week and it seemed the perfect Octobery anniversary thing to do.

I have been trying all day to come up with ways to explain the sheer wonderment that is this show. It doesn’t even seem proper to call it a show, that sounds too passive. It’s an experience. It’s exploratory theatre. You enter this place and you’re set loose in a creepy, beautiful, moody wonderland of darkness and mystery and Shakespearean goodness.

I loved every second of it. The boy and I split up fairly early to explore solo, which is absolutely the way to do it. I think it’s the only way to really immerse yourself in the environment. We both had wildly different experiences and we both adored it and thought all three hours flew by. It’s not enough time to see everything, even though we left sweaty and exhausted and the boy ended up with (stage) blood on his shirt. We’re going to go again before it closes. I am vaguely bitter that I don’t live in the UK to better access everything Punchdrunk does, but I feel very, very lucky to be able to have this production a comparatively short train ride away.

I have to admit, I don’t like going to the theatre. I think I overdosed on it back in the day when I was a theatre major and now I find it draining and uncomfortable. I tend to avoid it entirely and I despise audience participation. But I was too curious about this to resist checking it out. And I adored it, possibly more than any theatrical experience I’ve ever had. It was inventive and experimental without being pretentious. Giving the audience members masks provided a brilliant sort of comfortable anonymity. Loved it. LOVED.

I can’t wait to go back.

Careena Melia Hector Harkness

flax-golden tales: cobweb



It is lovely in its simple complexity.

A methodical tangle of string.

Airy and weightless. Fragile.

Until you touch it and it won’t let go.

They call it a web, but it is more than that.

It is a boundary. It is a cage.

To keep things in.

To keep things out.

About flax-golden tales. Photo by Carey Farrell. Text by Erin Morgenstern.


I am so close to the end of revisionland I could throw rocks at whatever land it is that lies beyond revisionland from here.

Technically, I don’t have any more writing-writing left. But there is ordering and formatting and fun stuff like that between here and the point of done-done so it doesn’t feel finished yet.

It doesn’t feel finished in general, actually. There’s something missing that I can’t quite put my finger on. I’m hoping my team of fabulous beta readers will be able to help with that, and I’ll be able to give it another post-beta polish after they read it.

But for now it is index card time! I am sure most writers do this in outlining phases, but in my wacky, non-linear way I seem to have made a habit of writing out of order and worrying about how to put all the pieces together after the fact.

I’ve added and dropped enough sections from the previous draft that I have some serious reordering to do. So I made all new index cards.

index cards

They’re color-coded by type of chapter (circus tents proper got to be silver this time around, because metallic silver Sharpie is always good times) and then color-coded again by which characters are featured. These still need dates written on them, I have those broken down on a list (in approximate book order and again chronologically.)

Tomorrow I get to spread them all out on the floor and play the “no, this has to come before that” and “too much of this character in this area” and “Bucket, stop sitting on the index cards” game. It’s a good game, until kittens start eating the cards.

I am so ready to hand this off to the beta brigade, and distract myself with tarot kings and NaNoWriMo planning while I wait for feedback.

flax-golden tales: flash cards for witches

flash cards

flash cards for witches

The easiest way to teach spells and curses!

No more complicated chanting and elaborate alchemical systems. Each spell is broken down into easy to read sounds and images on portable cards that easily fit in pockets, satchels or hats.

Cards may be combined for simple spells or complex enchantments. Even with a starter set the possibilities are endless!

Great for young practitioners or anyone who needs a brush-up on the basics.

Best of all, they appear completely mundane to those not in the know!

Order yours today!

Flashcards are flammable, non-refundable, and not guaranteed.
Offer void in Illinois.

About flax-golden tales. Photo by Carey Farrell. Text by Erin Morgenstern.