flax-golden tales: watchdragon


At first I thought it was a dog—a Pug, maybe—but now I’m pretty sure it’s a dragon.

I tried asking when it first appeared by the gate but it doesn’t talk, it only growls and coughs.

Every third cough or so results in a puff of dark smoke and once in a while the smoke is accompanied by actual flame, so it’s probably a dragon.

A very small dragon.

I invited it inside but it prefers to stay by the gate. I tried giving it water but it wouldn’t drink it, after a great deal of trial and error I discovered it will only drink dark roast coffee spiked with whiskey. I bring it a bowl full every morning, but I haven’t found anything it will eat yet.

I don’t think it sleeps. It paces all night.

Like it’s waiting for something.


About flax-golden tales. Photo by Carey Farrell. Text by Erin Morgenstern.

fall 2012 schedule

Since I am terrible about reminders regarding such things, here is my fall schedule of appearances:

Friday October 5th, 2012

JP Reads One City One Book
7:00pm The Footlight Club, Jamaica Plain, MA

Wednesday October 10th, 2012

7:00pm Anderson’s Bookshop Naperville/Reading & Signing
123 W. Jefferson Ave., Naperville, Illinois 60540

Thursday October 11th, 2012

7:00pm- Fox Valley Reads
Oswego High School, 4250 Illinois 71, Oswego, IL
On-stage conversation and book signing

Saturday October 13th, 2012

Details to come, Wordstock Literary Festival
Portland, OR

Wednesday October 31st, 2012

Waterstones Halloween Special with Audrey Niffenegger
Prince Charles Cinema London, England

Friday November 9th, 2012

7:00pm Talking Volumes
Fitzgerald Theatre, 10 E Exchange St, St Paul, MN

Tuesday November 13th, 2012

Read For the Cure
The Liberty Grand, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

flax-golden tales: dirty laundry


dirty laundry

I let my laundry pile up for two weeks before I finally relented and took it to a laundromat, after leaving yet another message for the landlord about the constantly out-of-order machines in the building basement.

I had to look up the nearest laundromat and when I reached the address it wasn’t a laundromat any more, it had been converted to a hat store that still smelled a bit like soap but the hat guy told me how to get to this other laundry place that looks like it’s been here forever even though everything is really bright and shiny.

The machines are all modern and fancy and I can’t figure out where the coin slots are but there’s a lady with bluish-grey hair and cat-eye glasses reading Dostoyevsky behind a counter so I ask her how the machines work and she asks me what it is that I want to wash.

I look down at my bag of laundry and then back up at the lady. Her hair is so grey-blue it’s almost purple.

“Clothes?” I say, and her smile switches to something that looks condescending and pitying at the same time.

“You want the ones behind the blue line,” she says, using Crime and Punishment to gesture in the direction of the line of colored tiles between the rows of machines.

“What do the ones behind the yellow line wash, then?” I ask, pointing at the identical row of machines along the wall.

“Pasts,” she says. “Except for the ones down the end, those are just for sins.”


About flax-golden tales. Photo by Carey Farrell. Text by Erin Morgenstern.

the vanishing act

I am still working on a long post about books that is not post-shaped yet but in the meantime I am delighted that I can finally recommend a book I read months and months ago now and promptly fell in love with and then pouted quite a bit when I realized I wouldn’t be able to push it properly on people until September.

And now it is somehow September, so now you can read The Vanishing Act by Mette Jakobsen.

I’ve had trouble explaining the book to people. I mostly just want to hand it to potential readers and smile and walk away. The Vanishing Act is about a girl named Minou who lives on a small island with her father, along with a man known as Boxman (so dubbed because he builds boxes for magicians, of the sawing-ladies-in-half-variety), a priest and a dog called No Name. A year ago, Minou’s mother disappeared along with the turtle.

It feels like a fable. It has so many of my favorite things on one tiny snow-covered island wrapped in melancholy.

I’m going to share several covers because I can. It has been out in Australia for a while so I was given the Australian version back in February. I made a pot of cherry green tea and curled up in my office and read it in one sitting. I am not a particularly fast reader but it is a perfectly sized one-sitting sort of book. That cover looks like this:

I’ve been getting a lot of books to possibly blurb, you know, those quotes from other authors that boil down to “yay, you should read this!” A lot of them I simply haven’t had the time to read but I’ve also learned from this process that while I like a lot of books the ones I love are fewer. And in order for me to send a quote it has to be a book I both love and wouldn’t mind having my name on, because it seems my name could very well end up on it.

I am delighted and honored to have my name on The Vanishing Act.

This is my entire unedited blurb, for the record:

This book is a precious thing. I want to keep it in a painted box with a raven feather and sea-polished stones, taking it out when I feel the need to visit Minou on her island again. The best stories change you. I am not the same after THE VANISHING ACT as I was before.


Autumn is my favorite. Apples and cinnamon and scarves and crispy leaves crunching beneath boots.

I wish you a glorious autumnal equinox, pumpkin-flavored & sweater-cozy.

The black & white renders them slightly incognito, but that field is indeed full of pumpkins: