
I have the best friends. Dearest darling Clovia sent me Mr Clement Lapins.

They are like perfect little rêveurs, they even came with the scarves!*


*The hardcore circus fans wear red scarves.

kung hei fat choi

Happy Chinese New Year! Year of the Rabbit! So long, Tiger! Hello, BUNNY!

So far The Year of the Bunny is already fabulous, with shiny things arriving in the mail and packing materials for kittens to jump in and actual sunshine! Hurrah!

(This New Year greeting is brought to you by my Jellycat Bashful Bunny. I have been dragging him around all day to be festive.)

finished bunnies & suggestions welcome

The Phantomwise Tarot 10s are done, remarkably ahead of schedule. You can see the set in the tarot minors gallery on or over here on my art-based LiveJournal. Someday I might combine that blog with this one. Today is not that day.

Here are the finished bunnies, in bookish tea party glory:

I kind of can’t believe the numbered minors are complete. I’m really pleased with how they’ve all turned out, so often the minors are dull in comparison to the majors, and I’d like to think these hold their own. Now it’s just a matter of getting the courts completed, and then the deck is done. I doubt I’ll know what to do with myself then, I might need another epic art project of some sort.

In other news, I am going to endeavor to blog here more frequently. I was going to set a lofty goal of once a day but that seems too lofty at the moment. So I’ll start with several times a week and maybe attempt that every day thing in April.

I’ll need topics, though. Suggestions are welcome, just comment. Otherwise you’re just going to get more writing, art, kittens, and possibly a lengthy essay on why I love LOST in general and Michael Emerson in particular.

And you get a Watchmen review on Friday, of course.