
I had a busy, marvelous weekend. Hallowe’en has exploded downtown already, with crowds & costumes & small dogs dressed like turtles. I had a caramel apple! And I made more apple goat cheese tartlets. And apple blackberry crisp. It was an apple-y sort of weekend.

We had company from out of town that came to see the craziness, along with a wonderful puppy who was not dressed as a turtle. We had a fabulous time.

And FYI, to anyone who might visit me in the future and be so kind as to bring me giftage: you have been preemptively outdone. Forever. Sorry.

Because I now have a vintage typewriter.

I have been occasionally petting it in between taking sexy typewriter photos. I have wanted a vintage typewriter for ages and now I have one of my very own because awesome people are awesome. I will likely pet it more than type on it, but that’s okay. It can sit on a table and look pretty & writerly.

It appears to be in decent working order, though a few of the keys are askew and it needs a new ribbon. Which I can order, because the internet is magical.

Also this weekend, my book contract arrived. I feel all official.

And now it is Monday, as it often is after weekends, and I am back to coffee & Revisionland.

And occasional typewriter petting.

anniversary & apples

Today is wedding anniversary number four, and the boy and I spent it as is somewhat traditional, galavanting around New Hampshire and picking apples. (Last year it was cold & rainy, so we went to see Sleep No More instead. Oh, Sleep No More, I miss you so.)

Apparently it was not a great year for apples, but we ended up with a large bag of Mutzus anyway. I am plotting an apple goat cheese tart for the weekend. It was lovely and sunny and we bought pumpkins and I took lots of photos, the best of which are up on Flickr.

After we got back to Salem we went out for dinner and had lots of food and wine and excellent tiramisu.

And this was my anniversary present:

Persephone’s jewel, from Blood Milk on Etsy. I have coveted it for ages and it is even more beautiful in person.

Had a marvelous day. Can hardly believe it’s been four years already. Apparently traditional fourth anniversary giftage is fruit & flowers. Well, we do have apples.

tessa and a box. again.

Yet another Tessa + Box = TRUE LOVE story that will leave the kitten crushed and broken-hearted when I must recycle the box.

She’ll find another (inevitably doomed) cardboard love. She’s resilient.

salem in october

We went to the Salem Haunted Happenings Grand Parade tonight.

Most of my photos are blurry, but some of them are fun anyway.

I think the best part was likely the East Beverly All-Star Lawn Chair Drill Team, as always, but the band playing industrial goth covers of 80s songs was also made of win. I never knew Genesis songs could sound so hardcore.

There were also a number of adorable doggies. Some of them in costume.

And pirates.

And after getting a Pumpkinfest beer, we passed this guy on the way home:

I love this crazy town. A few more occasionally blurry photos are over on my Flickr photostream.

regularly scheduled kittens

There’s been far too much book excitement around here, and not enough of what is truly the heart of this blog: the kittens.

So, here are the fluffmonsters in their natural habitat, cardboard boxes.

Tessa is actually sitting on even more of the crumply paper. She’s been in there for hours, though, so it must be more comfortable than it looks.

Bucket is managing to sit in the sunshine and in a cardboard box at the same time. Talented, talented kitty that she is.