in lieu of a post that was not a post, books.

I seriously just spent a considerable amount of time writing a post that was mostly little bits of things and also a list of things that I am going to post about in upcoming proper posts and then there was some sort of draft-saving internet hiccup and now that post has vanished.

So, as I do not have time to rewrite it today, I instead give you a fraction of that missing post in the form of the pile of unintentionally color-coordinated books I bought today. I blame the fact that the text in Sacré Bleu is actually blue for ending up with a very blue bunch of books.

flax-golden tales: always darjeeling

always darjeeling

It’s not that good a trick, really.

There are ooohs and aaahhs when I show someone who hasn’t seen it before, but only the first time.

After the second time they complain that I can’t do it with anything else.

Like it’s not that impressive to draw something in chalk and have it become real once the drawing is complete since I can only do it with teacups.

Even though the teacups materialize with actual tea inside.

But the tea will only be hot if I draw the steam, and I have to draw lots of it in order to obtain proper tea-drinking temperature.

I usually don’t drink it, anyway.

It’s never sweetened, even if I draw sugar cubes.

And it’s always Darjeeling.

No matter how much I wish for Earl Grey.


About flax-golden tales. Photo by Carey Farrell. Text by Erin Morgenstern.

my day in pictures

I have been neglecting the internet! Sorry! I’ve mostly been busy but also it decided to be properly springtime weather-wise which has been nice, though today it was supposed to be springy but the weather report lied to me and instead of springtime sunshine I got April showers with weird pockets of sun, sometimes heavy showers and I got rather soggy.

But even in the rain I had to stop and get a picture of the Make Way for Ducklings ducks in the Public Garden because they have hats! Ducks in little spring bonnets! It brightened my rainy walk, though I am concerned that the momma duck has no hat.

And then I had a respite from my rainy walk for delicious sushi lunch, and the sushi was so pretty at Haru that I took a photo of it:

This was the Boston UnCommon Roll: crunchy spicy salmon, tuna, avocado, mango, black tobiko and gold leaf. And it was as tasty as it looks.

By the end of lunch (that also included sesame mochi ice cream!) the rain had let up a bit so it was not quite so soggy getting home but it is still rather chilly. I also walked under the bleachers that were being set up for the Boston Marathon on Monday.

And then when I got home Tessa had decided she liked the beanbag chair that she never sits on, maybe because I’d thrown a blanket over it, and she looked like she was floating on marshmallow cloud.

So that was my Thursday, April 12th in pictures. A sushi-filled day with ducks in hats and rain and kittens and tea, though the tea is not pictured.


flax-golden tales: an impromptu ceremony to restore the sun

an impromptu ceremony to restore the sun

We were sick of the winter and we wanted to get the sun back.

We yelled for it but it couldn’t hear us.

We thought maybe it would be able to see us through the clouds if everything wasn’t so grey so we got a lot of paint.  We argued about colors the sun would like but we settled on the brightest, warmest ones that looked summer-hot and sunshine-y.

We put all the bright warm colors in buckets and dragged the buckets out to the backyard. We had to take each color bucket one at a time because they were heavy and we both agreed that the yellows were the heaviest but we couldn’t figure out why.

We painted the house and the trees and the dry grass. We dipped our feet in the heavy yellows and our braids in orange and peach and mango and when we were all covered in sunshine colors we did a sunshine dance and tried to get the cat to dance with us and he didn’t want to but we got him nice and sunshine-y, too.

After the dancing we were tired and it was nighttime and the sun probably couldn’t see us anymore even through the clouds so we went to bed.

In the morning the sun was out and all the paint was gone.

About flax-golden tales
. Photo by Carey Farrell. Text by Erin Morgenstern.

this is a PSA about mice

I should add this to the FAQ, so let’s put it in question mode:

Is there somewhere I can actually get chocolate mice?

Yes. Yes there is.

The chocolate mice in The Night Circus were inspired by the chocolate mice from L.A. Burdick Handmade Chocolate.

(The main difference is that the ones in the book have licorice tails and the Burdick ones have ribbon tails and are also real.)

They look like this:

They come in three flavors: dark chocolate mice with an orange interior, milk chocolate with mocha, and white chocolate with cinnamon.

They also have chocolate penguins. And right now there are bunnies. And they have amazing hot chocolate.

There are locations in Walpole, New Hampshire, Boston & Cambridge, Massachusetts and NYC.

And they ship.

You’re welcome.

flax-golden tales: ghosts in the park

ghosts in the park

There are ghosts in the park but no one else seems to be able to see them.

When I told my mom she said “of course there are, dear” but she wasn’t looking right at the ghost lady even though I pointed.

I tested her, too. I said “isn’t her hat nice and floppy for the sunshine?” and my mom said “yes it is, she must be a sensible ghost to have a hat like that” and then I knew she couldn’t see the ghost lady because the ghost lady wasn’t wearing a hat.

The hatless ghost lady smiled at me but she didn’t say anything.

The next day there were two ghost ladies sitting on the bench but all they did was talk about the weather and politics and shoes. Neither of them had hats.

Now there’s always at least two or three park ghosts. The most I’ve seen at once is five and that day I had to yell at a bunch of kids who tried to sit on the ghost bench and my mom got mad and told the kids and a mom and two dads that I have an overactive imagination.

But the ghosts all said thank you.

About flax-golden tales. Photo by Carey Farrell. Text by Erin Morgenstern.