anniversary & apples

Today is wedding anniversary number four, and the boy and I spent it as is somewhat traditional, galavanting around New Hampshire and picking apples. (Last year it was cold & rainy, so we went to see Sleep No More instead. Oh, Sleep No More, I miss you so.)

Apparently it was not a great year for apples, but we ended up with a large bag of Mutzus anyway. I am plotting an apple goat cheese tart for the weekend. It was lovely and sunny and we bought pumpkins and I took lots of photos, the best of which are up on Flickr.

After we got back to Salem we went out for dinner and had lots of food and wine and excellent tiramisu.

And this was my anniversary present:

Persephone’s jewel, from Blood Milk on Etsy. I have coveted it for ages and it is even more beautiful in person.

Had a marvelous day. Can hardly believe it’s been four years already. Apparently traditional fourth anniversary giftage is fruit & flowers. Well, we do have apples.

tessa and a box. again.

Yet another Tessa + Box = TRUE LOVE story that will leave the kitten crushed and broken-hearted when I must recycle the box.

She’ll find another (inevitably doomed) cardboard love. She’s resilient.

flax-golden tales: a suitor spurned

a suitor spurned

I met him at a party.

I told him he was sweet, but not my type.

It wasn’t exactly a lie.

It’s not like I threw the glass of wine he bought me in his face for asking or anything.

I tried to be nice about it.

But now, whenever I go outside, flocks of birds follow me.

Even statues of birds turn their heads to watch with vacant stares as I pass by.

It’s like being in a Hitchcock movie.

I’m not sure if they’ll lose interest eventually or if they’re just waiting for the right moment to swoop down and peck my eyes out.

I wish someone had told me who he was before I turned him down.

About flax-golden tales. Photo by Carey Farrell. Text by Erin Morgenstern.

salem in october

We went to the Salem Haunted Happenings Grand Parade tonight.

Most of my photos are blurry, but some of them are fun anyway.

I think the best part was likely the East Beverly All-Star Lawn Chair Drill Team, as always, but the band playing industrial goth covers of 80s songs was also made of win. I never knew Genesis songs could sound so hardcore.

There were also a number of adorable doggies. Some of them in costume.

And pirates.

And after getting a Pumpkinfest beer, we passed this guy on the way home:

I love this crazy town. A few more occasionally blurry photos are over on my Flickr photostream.

thoughts on nanowrimo for 2010

This is, most likely, going to be the first time in eight years that I won’t be participating in National Novel Writing Month.

I might decide to be insane and do it anyway, because I have an unholy love of the word count meter, but I really shouldn’t. I’m going to have editor notes by then, I’ve already got 30k of a work-in-progress going (most of which I wrote in two weeks) and… yeah. I’m not going to have time.

I’m sad, mostly because NaNo is delicious, crazy fun when not at the omgIhatemynovel phase. And I will feel slightly guiltier about stocking up on sale-priced Hallowe’en candy come November 1st.

I do love the pressure of a deadline, but I get my own deadlines now.

And I think as much as I love the freedom to writewritewrite and revise later, I’ve grown rather fond of revising. I do still love drafting with wild abandon, most of the aforementioned WIP is driven by wild abandon and stockings with seams, but I’m trying to construct it thoughtfully at the same time.

I wrote 80k in 29 days last year. I re-read it a few months ago. A lot of it is better than I’d remembered. Some of it is worse. The structure needs adjusting, the main plot arc requires complete overhaul. I can do it, but it’ll be a lot of work. If I’d taken three months to draft it instead of 29 days, sure, it might be in better shape, but it probably wouldn’t have all of those NaNo-induced, caffeine-haze enhanced elements like the carnivorous mermaids.

I think most of you know that the circus started life as a NaNoWriMo novel. Technically, it started in a different NaNovel, as one of those caffeine-haze tangents. I wrote circus-related stuff for two years of NaNo, ending up with over 100k of rough draft.

There’s not a single page of that 100k that didn’t change during revisions. Large amounts of it were discarded entirely. But that’s where it started.

I’ve said this before, but I never planned for NaNo. I’d always go in with a handful of ideas and see where they took me. Like exploratory novelling. And I always found things that I wasn’t expecting.

But I can do that without the magical deadline now. I think I’m a better writer than I was during all those Novembers in ’05 & ’06 & ’07. I certainly know more about how I write, how I revise, and what works for me.

I’m not entirely sure I need to spend November ’10 excavating a new novel. I have a WIP that needs finishing, old NaNo drafts that need major surgery. And there’s that novel that’s actually getting published, too.

At some point I went from a November writer to a full-time writer, and that’s a good thing, even if it means I don’t have the time to run with the NaNo pack this year.

NaNoWriMo got me where I am right now. If it weren’t for the magic of the deadline and that marvelous little word count meter, I would probably still be one of those people who thinks about writing, someday, and never actually sits down to do it.

So I shall be cheering from the sidelines for all the NaNo-ers this year. And should I ever get to meet Chris Baty, I owe him a hug. And possibly some discount Hallowe’en candy.

flax-golden tales: songs & sugar

songs & sugar

She was a musician.

He was a baker.

She spoke in notes and rhythm and tone.

He expressed himself in carefully measured flour and clouds of buttercream.

Everyone said they wouldn’t last. They came from different places, spoke different languages.

But that did not matter.

They found the places where their lexicons overlapped.

Ways in which they could speak together, in songs and sugar.

Delights in ears and on tongues.

About flax-golden tales. Photo by Carey Farrell. Text by Erin Morgenstern.