First, the very basic facts:


Yes, I am going to be at Book Expo America next week.

I will be signing ARCs of THE NIGHT CIRCUS at 3pm on Wednesday the 25th at Random House booth #4420.


Now you know, and I will return to normal, not-bolded font.

I will be in NYC all week, at BEA on both Tuesday & Wednesday. I have various intimidating things on my schedule like video interviews and cocktail parties and I am trying not to get too terribly nervous about them. If I think too hard about all this, my head starts to hurt, so I am kind of coasting on nervous/excited and attempting to be zen.

I was going to take pictures of kittens in suitcases to go with this post, but I haven’t actually gotten around to properly packing yet. There may be bonus kittens in suitcases over the weekend.

Categories: writing


Paul · May 20, 2011 at 6:40 pm

Wow! That sounds like a busy week – and also an awesome one. Good luck with all of it! I hope it goes well, and I’m looking forward to hearing about it…

    erin · May 21, 2011 at 8:18 am

    Thank you, pumpkin! I will provide a full report, possibly with proper photos if I can fit the nice camera in my bag.

Emily Crowe · May 21, 2011 at 3:08 pm

Hi, Erin. My name is Emily and I am a bookseller in a lovely indie bookshop in western MA. I just finished reading The Night Circus last week and found it was incredible. I was so immersed in that world that it even affected my dreams while I was reading it. Brava!

I just posted a review of it over on my blog and I hope I get to meet you at BEA next week. If I don’t make it by the booth in time to get an ARC signed, I hope to meet you at the event the the New England random house reps are putting together in Concord for August!

    erin · May 21, 2011 at 6:51 pm

    Hi, Emily!

    There have been a great many lovely things said about The Night Circus, but your review is the first to make me cry. Thank you for that, I’m truly touched.

    I hope to meet you at BEA, too! If not, I’m thrilled to know you’ll be at the Concord event, it sounds like it’s going to be magical.

Erin · May 22, 2011 at 4:21 am

You’ll have a great time.

I demand pictures because I intend to live vicariously through you. ๐Ÿ™‚

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