Things accomplished since the end of NaNo, an unnumbered list:

  • Read Tanith Lee’s The Silver Metal Lover in its entirety. Have been meaning to read this book for years. Lovely and heartbreaking. Totally made me cry.
  • Saw Sleep No More again. Definitely more magical the first time around but still amazing and wonderful and I found so many things that I missed the first time around. Also, witches gave me presents.
  • Started the epic rewatching of all 5 seasons of LOST. Season 1 seems like such a long time ago.
  • Brought out my notes for circus revisions and started poking at them, no actual writing yet. In my defense, my horoscope claimed today’s full moon was going to render me inarticulate or some such. I did, however, figure out how to possibly resurrect a very old section that I’d loved but had no use for in a different context, so that should be fun.

I am still somewhat in denial that it is December already.

Categories: miscellany


Paul · December 3, 2009 at 6:46 am

I know, I can’t cope with the whole December thing yet, either!

Season 1 of LOST *was* a long time ago. It was certainly a lot of episodes ago! I am still way behind.

Yay for being able to use the old section. It says good things about your editing, that you’ll cut something you like, just because it doesn’t work in that context, but it’s really nice not to have to lose it altogether.

Steph · December 3, 2009 at 9:55 am

That is a *lot* of LOST. I don’t think I have the constitution to watch it all again!

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